
Unity Group Partners with Spryker

We are proud to announce that we have joined the partner network of Spryker Systems, which offers a proprietary operating system, Spryker Commerce OS – a modern e-commerce platform based on micro-service architecture. 

According to the forecasts, the value of the e-commerce market in Poland is to increase from 17 to 25% in 2019. As it develops, online stores will grow in numbers – there are almost 23,000 business entities now. According to eMarketer, also in US 2019 is going to be a strong year for e-commerce sector as well, with e-commerce sales expected to grow 15.1% to $605.3 billion 

With the dynamics of branch development increasing, everyone who wants to stay competitive must invest in system solutions that enable easy and quick modifications to meet the increasing expectations of B2C and B2B customers. 

Global leaders, such as Amazon or Netflix, not only have long been using the solutions but also update their applications up to several thousand times a day, setting a new standard for smaller companies. A flexible approach to introducing changes to system architecture matters increasingly. 

Headless commerce shines with the silver lining 

The answer to the current pace of changes is undoubtedly the headless commerce concept, which provides for using a series of separate but closely cooperating field applications. This approach facilitates obtaining the levels of high performance and scalability in software that are beyond the reach of monolithic systems. 

One of the cutting edge technologies in conformity with this concept is the Spryker Commerce OS platform, which is based on standalone micro-applications that can be easily adapted to business needs. 

The technology offered by Spryker enables flexible responses to changes in the dynamic business environment. This is particularly important for the companies that introduce numerous modifications to their models and processes, but also need to test new hypotheses quickly. With the modular structure of the application, its components are expanded in total isolation from the platform core and other modules. Thus, Spryker Commerce OS is an efficient solution for the companies that plan quick development in e-commerce, but also an interesting alternative to the popular platforms in our product portfolio.

– concludes Tomasz Gutkowski, Business Development Director, Unity Group. 

What makes the solution truly cutting edge? 

Spryker Commerce OS provides a unified experience across all possible digital touchpoints 

Spryker Commerce OS is an innovative solution designed by, among others, one of the architects of Zalando, Boris Lokschin. It enables companies to implement new user interfaces as applications that not only offer front-end support to traditional online sales but also: 

  • stationary sales (two-directional ROPO), 
  • mobile applications 
  • Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios 
  • Blockchain 
  • Voice search
  • Bot integrations.

A solid, yet flexible, back-end foundation 

Spryker’s design is based on the latest frameworks and integration solutions (Spryker Midleware), which facilitate process synchronization with all systems in business IT architecture. The data is stored in one location, while the modular core is API Glue, which ensures robust cooperation between all micro-services. 

With this architectural solution, every micro-application is a standalone unit and any changes introduced to it have no impact on the operation of the other parts of the system. 

Firstly, it prevents unnecessary incidents and maintenance works. Secondly, it supports flexible and quick development of the individual platform areas, which makes Spryker a perfect solution for the businesses whose implementations are highly variable and need to create market trends. 

It’s also for those who want to provide their customers with unique experiences during their customer journey by adjusting to their shopping preferences and preferred communication channels, such as desktop browser or mobile applications. 

A full stack of features for both B2C and B2B e-commerce 

Presently, Spryker Commerce OS consists of more than 500 micro-applications (updates related to new features or improvements are released every week!) and the features available include: 

  • product management 
  • cross-selling and up-selling 
  • catalog management 
  • navigation 
  • advanced search and filters 
  • price and promotion management (for example discount group and discount code support) 

There are also special modules for B2B e-commerce, such as unit or intermediate package calculators and features streamlining business marketing activities: SEO reinforcement function (assignment of meta-descriptions and tags, a creation of dedicated URLs) or creation of landing pages for promotional campaigns. 

The Spryker Commerce OS solution is used by businesses, such as Tom Tailor, ROSE Bikes, the renowned customized bikes manufacturer, and a global leader in end-to-end services for the construction industry, Hilti. We are pleased to announce that Spryker solutions are now part of the Unity Group offer. 

If you’d like to hear more about Spryker or you ready to talk about how we can help you implement the solutions, feel welcome to get in touch with us

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